Late Night Drive
We’d had another great show at a small nightclub in Aberystwyth, mid Wales. It had been a good night all round, great looking girls out for a good time and some “extra” fun afterwards. The only part of the night we had not been looking forward to was the drive back home, it’s a 5 hour drive at best on the worst Welsh roads you could imagine. Dave had driven his own car to the gig so I had the luxury of choosing which vehicle to travel home in, the comfy car, or the battered old van, the choice was quite easy! We stocked up on Red Bull to keep us awake and off we went leaving the lads in the old slow van. About an hour into the drive Dave informed me that we needed to stop for fuel. What! I asked him why he didn’t get any back in the town we had not long left? Dave responded by saying he thought it would be ok. However I knew this route and the chances of getting fuel were almost nil. Without any other option other than to keep driving we keep going well into the night. Luckily it was summer so the sun started to rise very early which was a massive relief and a big help.
We were still looking out for a fuel station without any luck when the inevitable happens, we run out of fuel and grind to a halt in the middle of nowhere. I was to say the least, a little bit pissed off. Dave trying to be clever – not – came up with the ground-breaking idea of pushing the car. I reminded him that we were hours away from anywhere remotely classed as civilisation, we could not find a filling station when we did actually have fuel, and that the car weighed approximately 2 tons. Dave seemed quite optimistic and wanted to give it a go, not wanting to send out any bad vibes I agreed to give it a go.
Not really believing my eyes – and after only 20 minutes of pushing – we roll around a bend and there right in front of us was a fuel station! At this point we were worn out and managed to jump into the car to roll the last few metres into the fuel stop … only to discover it was closed. We had a look around and much to our relief it was only about an hour until it was opening, we were happy again!
It wasn’t a long wait before we were able to fuel up and get back on the road, by this point we were both very sleepy and decided to alternate the driving in 20 minute blocks which would enable us to get back home safely. I drove first, then 20 minutes later Dave took over, and so on, this continued for hours. As soon as Dave took over the driving duties I fell asleep for what seemed like only a few minutes then had to wake for my turn driving. It’s amazing how fast 20 minutes can pass when you are very tired. After what seemed like and age we eventually arrived home, I passed out the instant my head hit the pillow and had a well earned sleep in my own bed.
The next day I met up with the lads who seemed quite eager to tell me that Dave had cheated on the way home the night before. Apparently each time I had fallen asleep Dave had wound the car’s clock on so that I thought I had slept for 20 minutes when in fact it was not even 5, bastard! I felt robbed. I had the last laugh the following week when I pissed in his bottle of Lucozade…